In only three weeks time I'll be considered full-term. Insane to think that our little man could arrive as soon as that. In many ways, I'm more than ready for him to be here. Although three weeks seems a little soon. As I've said before, I have so much I want to get done before he's here! For starters, whenever my mother scheduled my shower for has got to be coming up and I'll have to get all those goodies put away and organized. I also have to pack my hospital duffle, get the car seats set up, and of course there are two weekends designated to parties for my sister-in-law's wedding! Check off the list that we've completed the "play room," the
family wall, our birthing classes, and we've sent e-cards to important family members alerting them of the location of the hospital. Justin also downloaded the
Daddy511 app for his phone which has my doctor's number, the hospital number/address, and our baby's statistics all in one convenient place. The count down is quickly dwindling but we still have one looming item that will need to be decided pretty quickly once he gets here (although preferably before)... HIS NAME. Initially I thought it would be so easy to pick a boys name, but in all honesty the girls names were much easier for us to compile into a list. We have three finalists, although middle names are making the decision even harder. We like Jayson (or Jaysen), Caleb, and Kyle. Kyle we've pretty much settled that the middle name would be Alexander or Xavier. I guess we could use either of those with the other two names but I'm not sure I'm really feeling it. This is a life altering decision folks. The poor kid will be stuck with this name the rest of his life. So, suggestions are welcome. Feel free to comment below.
Anyways, enough worrying about that. Let's add a little humor to the post. Here's the top ten things they don't tell you about pregnancy at 34 weeks: