I recall a conversation way back when with my cousins about how our cool aunt was no longer cool. She had a baby and suddenly she was no fun. At the time this is how it appeared to us pre-teens. It was that simple. Well I am here to say "I get it now."
After having Jayson I've realized a few things. It is no longer fun to host events at our house. It means I have to find time between the numerous diaper changes, tub times, feedings and my own FT work schedule to clean my house to a point that I feel is presentable. It also means that because of the numerous aforementioned diaper changes, tubbies, and feedings I cannot really concentrate on enjoying my time visiting when all I can seem to concentrate on is keeping my child from fussing and my chest from bursting at the seems (breast feeding mothers know my pain). I've also come to realize the importance of the routine my child and I have come to follow because any deviation from it seems to result in a reduction of sleep for an already sleep deprived mom. Because I'm also someone who's emotions are fairly transparent, I know that everyone can see right through me as a new mom trying to entertain with finesse while in reality I'm a frazzled mess.
So yes, I get it now. I can totally understand how someone who was relaxed and fun can become high strung and frazzled just by adding a baby to the mix. The shoe is on the other foot and I am now the aunt/sister/cousin/friend who is "no fun."
On a lighter note, I have found that HaHas for HooHas is fun and you should check them out!
On a lighter note, I have found that HaHas for HooHas is fun and you should check them out!