Thursday, May 28, 2015

In Loving Memory

Robert J. Dankievitch

11/2/1937 - 5/18/2015

How do you memorialize someone who was larger than life?  My grandfather was the patriarch of our family.  To me he was the epitome of strength and moral value.  He always had a story to tell and could find a teachable moment in any given situation.  He would tell me to "do the right thing" and "go with your gut" and asked me to "give him a growl" if I needed a hand with anything.   

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Look Who's Two

Dear Jayson,

STOP GROWING.  Seriously.  Just stop.  It seems like yesterday you were born and only a moment ago you had turned one.  Today you turn two and we'll be celebrating in style surrounded by family, friends and minion themed decor while dining on your favorite pizza.