Sunday, December 17, 2017

Hollowbone, crackabone, ten and eleven

Alexis: Months Ten & Eleven

"Hickery, dickery, six and seven, hollowbone, crackabone, ten and eleven..."

Gotta love a good google search when trying to come up with a title for a blog post about months ten and eleven.  The above is an snippet from "Nursery Jingles" by Clara Doty Bates.  They say you learn something new every day, and for that you're welcome. I'm compiling another two-fer blog post for Alexis because I'm way behind in getting this out there and I'm afraid I'm going to lose the little piece of paper I have with scribblings about each month.  

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Number Nine... Take Two

Number Nine... Take Two

So... I'm backdating this post to October 4, 2017.  The actual date Alexis turned nine months.  Why?  Because life got in the way of posting in a timely fashion.  So let's get down to business before I forget anything:

Monday, September 11, 2017

Months Seven & Eight

Months seven and eight have been an absolute blur!  Every time I sat down to create a post, something else took precedence.  Sorry Alexis, but you're getting a combo post to catch everyone up on your continued development.  #workingmomproblems #secondchildsyndrome #notenoughtimeintheday.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Six Months

So this little beauty turned six months about a month ago and what a busy month it's been.  We mosied on down the state of New York into Pennsylvania over the course of a week and did some site seeing along the way. The kids seemed to enjoy it. I took a jilllion photos. That's a whole separate post in the making.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Alexis @ 5 Months

Alexis turned five months!

And in typical working mommy fashion, I  am late announcing it.  It's a good thing she's so chill.  One day she'll be reading this and in a fit of sibling rivalry she'll bring up that we slighted her in some way shape or form.  For now we'll have to enjoy that she doesn't seem to mind and hasn't yet been able to form sentences stating otherwise.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A month of fours

May 2017 was truly a month of fours.  Alexis turned four months on 5/4/17 and Jayson turned four years on 5/9/14.  I will say that turning thirty never bothered me nor did the subsequent years thereafter, however, Jayson turning four has hit me hard.  I think it's the fact that I've submitted his application for pre-k that has really solidified he's no longer a baby.  He's transitioned out of toddlerhood so-to-speak and into school aged oblivion.  With that being said, let's get on to the updates.  They'll have a shared blog post this month only because mama's behind on both of them.  #workingmomproblems

Friday, April 14, 2017

101 Days

101 Days

Alexis was three months old back on the 4th of April, but mama has been slacking on the blog.  I returned to work on the 6th, so in all fairness I have been a little busy.  So we'll post today when she's 101 days old.  We don't have another check up until towards the end of May, so right now I'm guesstimating she's 14 or 15lbs now.  She's moved on from her 0-3 month clothes and into her 3 months and 3-6 months. Even some of her 6 month hand-me-downs already fit. 

Monday, March 13, 2017


Yes, you read that correctly. Today's blog post is entitled "Twerking."  My son has some serious toddler dance skills, but he's a little late to the game with twerking.  It is his latest move he's perfected along side this singing and dancing monkey his grandparents gifted him.  I seriously need to capture the two of them on video, but that will have to be another day's post.  Today's will focus on this book and how he believes it relates to twerking.  Then we'll brainstorm where I took a wrong turn in this journey called parenting.

The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day


Do you see the little cub with the yellow shirt seemingly bent over in an innocent game of leap frog?  My son informed me last night, as we read this for his bedtime story, that this very bear cub was twerking just like him.  "Like a stripper."  His words, not mine.

I admit I laughed despite being slightly concerned.  I'm not sure where or how he learned twerking or that twerking could be related to strippers.  I'll have to ask his father, his aunts, or daycare, but you cannot make this stuff up.

I call this "A day in the life of parenting."  If you got a chuckle out of this, you're welcome.  

Friday, March 10, 2017

2 Months @ 2 A.M.

What better time to write about a two month old than at two a.m.?  It's quiet. She's just nursed and is snuggling on my shoulder.  I know it's moments like this that I'll be nostalgic for when she's her brother's age. Not necessarily the getting up in the wee hours, but the snuggles.  At two months, she is starting to hold on to me.  Right now I'm her person.  There's no playful debate as to who her favorite is because hands down it's mommy.  At two months there is no nagging, no arguing to eat her supper... Mommy is still the "nice guy."  In a few short years, that will all change and I will be the "bad guy" who disciplines for jumping on the couch, pulling on the dog, and any other trouble a toddler finds oneself in.  Daddy will be the fun one who let's her get away with murder because truth be told he's not really watching.  Anywho... I digress.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

One Month Alexis Style

One Month Baby Update

Weight & Length:  at her one month doctor appointment she weighed in at 9lb 15oz.  Just shy of 10lb.  She's growing like a weed.  I love her chubby little cheeks and legs. She also put on over an inch and a quarter in length.  She's now in her size 1 diapers and 0-3 clothes.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

She's here!!!

It's taken me a couple weeks to post, but little miss has arrived.  Alexis Jayde Krueger was born 1/4/17 at 1:29pm.  She weighed in at 7lb 5oz and 18.5 inches in length. She was five days early, and much like when I was pregnant with her brother, I worked right up to the day of delivery.  More literally with her.