Friday, January 4, 2019

Turning Two

Alexis Turns Turns Two 

Last night I put you to bed as a one year old for the last time.  This morning, well technically around 1:30 this afternoon, you've become a vibrant little two year old.  True to form our morning was not complete without a melt down.  Tantrums at this age are common and exhausting.  I will myself to remember that it's only because you have a limited vocabulary to express yourself and that this too shall pass.  Although in reality I don't blame you for having a melt down over cupcakes this morning.  I'd much rather have a cupcake for breakfast as well, but the cupcakes were for your party at daycare this afternoon.
I'm wishing I did a better job of tracking all your milestones.  I know it sounds like a crutch, but having two children and working full time hasn't afforded me much time to sit down and reflect on our lives as much as I'd like to.  I've had a scrap of paper taped to my desk for a while now with random scribblings about things you've said or done all with the best intentions of creating a blog post.  For instance in March when you were around 14 months old you mastered using a straw.  Around that same time we stopped nursing.  I jotted down that some of your first words and phrases were things like "me baby," "go!" and "dink pease" (drink please).  You mastered "thank you" pretty quickly and you nicknamed ketchup "dip dip."  I can now imagine that ketchup will forever be referred to as such, right up through your college years.  We have to work on your hot/cold understanding since everything according to you is cold.  Likewise with potty training you refer to everything as poop, even if you've only gone number one.  And while you are a force to be reckoned with while awake, you are a fierce snuggler when you are tired.  I relish the moments when you want to cuddle since I know  you may eventually grow out of it like your brother.

Speaking of your brother, he adores you.  You mimic every thing he does which can be frustrating at times, especially when he misbehaves.  He doesn't quite grasp the monkey-see-monkey-do concept, that or he finds it hilarious.  I love how you two love each other.  From the minute you wake up your first request is "where's jay jay?" and frequently when you are napping he comments "isn't she beautiful mom?"  These moments make my heart melt.  You've also gotten into the habit of asking "and jay jay?" when acquiring a snack or a drink.  Sharing of food has never been a problem.  We do have to work on sharing of toys however.   The plight of a never fails that whether you both have the same item, you want what the other has.  I now know why my mother seemed bat shit crazy at times.  I get it now.  And I'm sorry mom.

Anyways, continuing on to the more generic yet equally important facts surrounding you turning two:

Height: 32.5"
Weight: 28lbs
Clothing size: 2t, moving into 3t
Diapers:  size 6 diaper and 2-3t pull-ups


  • Popsicles, cheese sticks, hot dogs, clementines, cherry tomatoes, Pez, and fruit snacks.
  • Bath time is still your favorite and you ask for bubbles.
  • Running around with a dog toy so Ace will chase you.
  • Socks.
  • Baby dolls, although all your babies are naked.  God forbid you leave a stitch of clothes on them.
  • Fisher Price Little People.
  • The color purple.
  • The movie Boss Baby. 
  • Your pacifier.


  • Having your hair or face washed.
  • Being told no is still not a favorite.
  • When your brother sits in your child size recliner.  I know... he has his own.
  • When you brother runs away from you because you can't catch up.
  • Bedtime is starting to not be a favorite, but I think it's because you're catching on that Jayson also gives me a hard time about it.
  • Saying goodbye in the morning.  It seems we're going through a new round of separation anxiety again.  I know this will pass and it's over a few minutes after I leave but it kills me to leave you crying at daycare.

New Developments:

  • You are very interested in brushing your teeth.
  • You've begun attempting to use the toilet.  We've had several successful opportunities that you've capitalized on, now only if we could make you do it more consistently.
  • You're now sleeping in a toddler bed.  This comes after you became an escape artist from your crib at nap time.
  • You no longer say da-da or daddy.  You call your father "dad" and you yell it at the top of your lungs.
  • You attempt to join dinner conversation.  I can catch a few words, mainly "me too," but I love how you chatter away.

All in all I don't know where the last year has gone.  Our lives have been on fast forward and I wish you could stay little forever, although I'm enjoying the blessing of watching you grow and develop into such an interesting little person right before my eyes.  While some may say that having a two year old is like having a blender with no top, you are an incredibly cute little monster at this stage in the game and I love you for all that you are and all that you've yet to become.

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Cool kids leave messages... just sayin'