Friday, July 27, 2012

Furry Friday: Chillaxin

It's been a while since I've done a Furry Friday post, and it's not because Riley hasn't been full of spunk and keeping us all entertained.  We've been so busy lately that I've failed to capture most of those moments on camera. What I have been fortunate to get shots of was some of our downtime where we were just chillaxin. Well, I shouldn't take all the credit.  My sister managed to snag two out of three of the below photos.  Just looking at them makes me smile.  I love my little fur buddy.

Sitting outside
Visiting with Grandma Peck
On a walk

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Why cheat?

Within hours of Kristen Stewart's face being planted on every news tabloid imaginable with accusations of cheating, very public apologies were issued by herself and Rupert Sanders to their significant others.  This of course was a move planned out by publicists and certainly not for the benefit of those they cheated on.  The damage has of course already been done and by this point I'm fairly confident in stating that neither Rob Pattinson or Rupert's wife Liberty could care less which media outlet published such apology.  I know some people probably view the whole scenario as just another shining example of Hollywood romance down the tubes, but I cannot help but over-analyze the situation.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Blog Swap: Summer Vacation

Today I’m participating in the 20 Something Bloggers Blog Swap. You’ll find me posting over at "Musings of a Girl" about my thoughts on Summer Vacations and I’m pleased to welcome Heather to  Gidget's Two Cents:
"I am really excited to be paired with Christy for 20-Something Bloggers' Blog Swap. We are talking about Summer Vacations this time around. I have a personal blog over at Musings of a Girl. Check out my post below and tell me your most horrifying summer vacation memory."

Monday, July 23, 2012

All fun and games...

It's all fun and games until someone loses a toenail, but I’ll get to that later.  This weekend was chock full of fun.  Friday night was the Schenevus Carnival where we got to catch up with many of our old high school friends, eat some fabulously cheap fried dough, and watch some of the best fireworks in the state of New York.  I also got my baby fix in as we hung out with Jennifer -Marie and her new baby Jocelyn. Saturday we cleaned all three vehicles with Jay's power washer (thanks Uncle Richie!) and then lazed about in our pool for a good portion of the day.  In the evening we met up with Justin's sister Elise and her fiance Dan for some Domino's Pizza and a double feature at a local drive-in.  We saw the newest Batman "The Dark Knight Rises" and "Ted."  Both were pretty good.  The Batman movie was certainly action packed, although a little overkill on the shooting scenes.  Ted was absolutely hilarious.  In typical Justin fashion, a verse from the Thunder Buddies song has become a new catch phrase for him.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Furry Friday: Jumper

Riley is loving that we've moved our bedroom upstairs.  He is loving the fact that the stairwell is no longer gated and that the upstairs is once again part of his domain.  One small problem though, Riley has developed a new bad habit since we've moved upstairs... jumping off the bed.  He never did this in our downstairs bedroom, but I think that had to do with the fact that the floor wasn't carpeted.  He's always been a jumper when it came to getting up/down from the couch, but the bed is quite high and I cringe at the thought of back surgery for the little dude.  Doggy stairs aren't really an option either.  We have a set for the couch and try as we may, he only learned to use them to go up.  Coming back down he apparently enjoys the thrill of a jump.  So now I have to contemplate a solution to this very real problem.  Suggestions?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Moving up in the world...

Drum roll please...

WE ARE FINALLY USING THE UPSTAIRS OF OUR HOUSE.  That's right.  The bathroom is done and now that the carpet is in, we've moved all our bedroom furniture up.  I even have curtains that are from this century.  It feels so luxurious.  And thanks to Pinterest, I will be making a "family wall" going up the stairwell.  Justin and my dad still have to install the doors they made for the hall closet, but that's a minor detail compared to what we started with upstairs. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pass the Ketchup

Ok, I am in serious need of catching everyone up on the past week of activities which of course flew by in a blink of an eye.  I don't know where the time went, but it went so quickly I had no time to blog.

At any rate, we had a wonderful July 4th holiday surrounded by friends and family.  Even though it was a week night we threw together a bbq.  The local fireworks are viewable from our front lawn so most of our guests stayed late to enjoy them.  This year we had plenty of activities planned:  wiffle ball, washers, ladder ball, horseshoes, and of course the pool.  I also tried out a new recipe for Raspberry Rhubarb Upside Down Cake which was out of this world.

Monday, July 2, 2012

We bought a...

We bought a pool!  It was a bit spur of the moment.  We were lazing about after breakfast on Saturday wondering what to do for the day when I suggested putting up a pool.  Seeing as how he'd already done some homework on the topic, that's all it took and Justin transformed into a kid in a candy shop.  We decided on an Intex pop-up pool.  It's 14 feet in diameter, 48 inches in depth.  For our first pool and a pop-up at that, it's really not too shabby. It was, however, a bit more of a process than initially anticipated.