Saturday, August 5, 2017

Six Months

So this little beauty turned six months about a month ago and what a busy month it's been.  We mosied on down the state of New York into Pennsylvania over the course of a week and did some site seeing along the way. The kids seemed to enjoy it. I took a jilllion photos. That's a whole separate post in the making.

While we were on vacation though, Alexis not only turned six months but cut her first tooth.  You would have never known she was teething aside from the drool. She remained a happy, content baby the entire time.   She also began sitting up like a pro, both in a high chair and on the floor surrounded by pillows.  She hasn't wanted to be anything but upright since.

Six months also marked the introduction of baby food and rice cereal.  Our little chunky monkey has enjoyed carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, and pears. We have frozen banana and put it in the mesh feeder for her to teeth on.  She's still breastfeeding every 3 hours just about, but introducing the food has been a fun supplement.

Our little miss has been hitting her milestones just fine.  She says mama, hey, hi, coos and babbles. She can be quite talkative at times.  We've shown her how to sign "mom," "dad" and "more" and so far she seems to sign "dad" alot.  She thinks her brother is hilarious and she watches our dog Ace like a hawk.  She's rolling from belly to back and vice versa. She's using a walker, but going backwards which seems to frustrate her.  She's not as fond of the jumper as her brother was at this age.  Oh, and bath time is still her favorite.

At six months from a height and weight perspective she's at 17lb and 26in, whereas her brother didn't reach these stats until 7 months of age.  She's wearing some of her six months outfits but mostly her 6-9 months outfits at this time. She graduated to size 3 diapers, but will shortly be in size 4.  Oddly enough she only just now fits her 0-3 shoes though.

Happy belated six months to our Lexi-girl.  "Her smile makes me smile. Her laugh is infectious.  Her heart is pure and true.  Above all I love that she is my daughter."

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Cool kids leave messages... just sayin'