Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Croup is Crap

If you are an avid reader of the blog, you know that Jayson just go over Thrush.  It was the worst 14 days of medication ever.  Trying to force feed nystatin to a wriggly, crying, kicking, screaming child has moved to the bottom of the list of things I'll sign myself up for in the future.  God bless nurses.  Your jobs must suck.  Just saying.

Anywho, we kicked Thrush to the curb and invited in his crackhead cousin Croup.  Let me tell you, croup is crap.  From what I've read, our child has textbook Spasmodic CroupIt developed quickly and came 2-3 days after a mild cold.  His started with a runny nose (albeit clear) on Friday, and the barking cough began at night on Monday. Fortunately he has not been running a fever, which is typical of spasmodic croup. However, the problem with this type of croup is it tends to come back just like its aforementioned cousin Thrush.  As a matter of fact, the meds Jayson's pediatrician put him on for croup (prednisolone) can cause thrush.  So I have a feeling we'll be letting these two junkies room with us for a while.  Oyyy. 

So in the meantime, I've been cleaning the house like any good hostess for this unwanted house guest.  Lysol for all surfaces, scrubbing down bathrooms, etc.  Even keeping temps cooler at night to help with Jayson's breathing.  We've been doing vapor baths, Vicks on his feet, running humidifiers, and torturing him with saline drops for his nose. Poor kid.  Here's hoping Croup will pack his bags and go!  

Sidenote - referencing both illnesses as "people" has me imagining them like the Mucinex characters. Whaddya think?

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Cool kids leave messages... just sayin'